Tp be honest with you, I haven’t seen many new amateur girls come along who can pull of non-nude and teasing very well. Most of them just cut to the chase and get full nude, which is nice and all, but teasing is sexy too!
Enter curvy Lilyxo. This girl is interesting in part because while she is super curvy and very sexy, she also seems to have a somewhat innocent, girl next door look about her too. It’s sort of like seeing your friends older sister in a bikini, it’s super sexy but you aren’t entirely sure why you keep staring. Lilyxo has a fantastic figure, a nice full and lush ass, big natural boobies, and sexy long hair. She’s a super teaser who knows exactly what we want to see, and uses her mind to really tease us like mad.
This set from lilyxo is shot outdoors, with her sexy star spangled banner bikini. She looks totally amazing, and always about 1 sexy step away from throwing it all off and getting busy with herself. The sexual tension is high with this girl, and that leads to some truly sexy stuff!
Want more? check out Lilyxo on her hot new personal site, she’s a sexy one!
Sexy Entry from Sxxy – Sexy Babes